Well, our fearless leader has done it again. He's alienated veterans now. Obama plans to charge vets for care involving injuries during service.
I'm with the head of the American Legion on this one. I'm angry.
So, just to get things in perspective... ...we bail out the banks who messed up on their own with BILLIONS of dollars. However, to save $540 million (probably a generous estimate) they want to charge vets for care.
Have I woken up in an episode of The Twilight Zone?
Bail out the banks but put the screws to the Vets
Posted by |John| Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 5:49 AM
I am such a failure! MAN!
Posted by |John| Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 11:21 PM
I found out today that I am a TOTAL AND COMPLETE FAILURE!
I messed up! I'm a dolt, a maroon, a boob! I didn't go to Yale, Harvard, or Princeton! GAH! Why did I NOT go to one of those schools?
If I had done so, I could be milking taxpayers in D.C. with my Ivy League brothers and sisters.
I hear Cornell is acceptable, as is Brown, but I didn't think of either of those schools. Of course I never looked into studying abroad at Oxford either. Man I'm an idiot!
Well, I guess it is three strikes against me. I'm just another of the unwashed masses. Strike 1. I'm from the South. DOH! That's a big one! Strike 2. I work as a barber. GAH! That's bad. I definitely don't know anything about economics. Strike 3. I attended a private Christian university that ranks higher that some of the "better" schools. Man, I'm such a heel.
Hey? Has anyone called Bill Gates and told him he's a failure? He didn't even finish college, you know. How about some of the fathers of industry who never went to college? Could they be the reason our economy is failing now? Could it be that they weren't lawyers? After all, lawyers who get elected to office are much smarter and better than the rest of us, ESPECIALLY if they went to the right school. Just ask our current president and our Congress.
I'm sure glad we have such fine, smart, sophisticated people taking care of us, because I don't know what I would do without them.
0 comments Labels: Bailout, Capitalists, Economy, Good Sense, Obama, Politics, Socialism
38% in the first 50 days
Posted by |John| Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 5:51 AM
That is how far the DOW has dropped in the first 50 days of our esteemed president's term in office.
I don't think that Manchurian Candidate could do a better job of subverting this nation in such a short time.
We have congress passing bills that nobody has been able to read before voting on them.
We have a government out of control. They no longer work for us. They no longer care about the people of this nation. They want control over everything. They want to control, not fix health care. They want to control, not fix the economy. They want to control, not monitor the internet. They want to control, not protect religion.
We have a government that is now WORSE than the King of England when our founding fathers rebelled against him. Go figure.
We have a press who have got to be one of two things: 1. The most ignorant bunch of morons to walk the face of this planet. or 2. So hung up on ratings that they would play their fiddle while this country burned as long as they made LOTS of money because of it.
Yes, the DOW has dropped 38%, but that is not our economy, but merely a reflection of what is happening in the intellectual property circles. My business has suffered little, because I give a service that is in demand even in the worst of times. I'm not alone, however. Small business still makes up the majority of this nation's economy. The DOW isn't the end all. It isn't even the majority.
Unemployment is also a GOOD thing. It creates something else: NEED. What is born out of need? Invention, faith, and determination. This generation is going to be tested.
I was speaking with a man in his late 60's yesterday and he told me that his generation was tested, and they passed with flying colors in one way, but failed in another. He told me that fascism by the Nazi's, an Italian nut, and Japanese Imperialism was defeated by his generation, but communism was mishandled. The man is an immigrant from Russia. His own parents, and he is not proud of this, were a part of bringing communism into this nation. His mother worked for the state department, and his father was a Yale professor. He claims that BOTH of them were commissioned by the Soviet government to infiltrate our schools and government.
His father and mother used to try to teach him about their mission, which was a long term mission and depended upon relationships and new friends. They were trained in psychology, human behavior, and sociology for the very purpose of changing this nation. From the mouth of their own son... they were spies. They also weren't alone.
We weren't just warned. It wasn't just idle chatter when Soviet leaders would tell us that they would defeat us from within. They set their plan into action long before children were hiding under desks in fear of missile attacks from Cuba. It was executed so well that even after the fall of the Soviet Union, the plan of its leaders has come to fruition. Infiltrate entertainment, infiltrate education, and you eventually gain control of the government.
We didn't win the cold war folks. We lost, and this latest round of stomping all over the constitution is proof of that.