I would join the Republican Party if...

I would join the republican party if they would stop being such a bunch of panty-wastes.

I like Michael Steele. He seems like a decent guy. He would have been a much better candidate for president than McCain. Lest anyone forget, McCain nearly joined the Democrat party in 2001. Then he is the candidate for president in 2008? Something is wrong with the Republican party, and I don't think Steele can fix it. It isn't that I think he is incompetent, I just think he is too much of a politician now to recognize what needs to be done. That's not his fault, the political machine got its hooks in him and he, like most others just became another cog.

And I see MORE wrong. The rest leadership in the GOP is weak. They have no voice. They are out of touch with main-stream America. The tea parties (organized mostly by independent and third-party folks) proved this. And we will continue to speak out. Our collective voice will not be unheard.

One of the mistakes that the GOP has made is to have a knee-jerk reaction to so many issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, etc. There is a way to deal with those issues without alienating folks who feel like nobody represents them at the moment. There are people who are against both, but like to think that individual liberty is more important than imposing morality. Besides, we have bigger problems to deal with, and those two issues are symptoms of the bigger problems.

No, we cannot legislate morality, but people can take a stand. Right now the minority is at the wheel. They control education, they control entertainment, and they control the news. It is the fact that they are unbending, event though they claim to be tolerant and accepting, but that is propaganda to farther their own agenda. They are unbending, and unwavering in their own "values" if you can call them that.

Unfortunately, those who value the family, traditional marriage, and religion have done nothing but kowtow and compromise when confronted. Those who stand up are called intolerant, hateful, and fascist among other things.

So what do people do when the see this? They simply say, "Nothing I can do about it." even though they hate it. Why? Have we become a nation of cowards?

The blood of our forefathers would be boiling at the state we are in as a nation. That same blood runs through the veins of many who have already thrown up their hands. What has happened to us?

I can tell you point blank. There are no more leaders. Period.

It starts with school. The children with imagination, initiative, and spirit are now labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactive Disorder. What used to be valued traits in boys is now called a DISORDER! Most education at the elementary level is geared toward GIRLS, not boys. So how on earth does anyone expect a boy to sit still and pay attention? If he isn't browbeaten or drugged, he's considered a problem. So our future leaders are destroyed by the process of making everyone the "same." Initiative is no longer rewarded, it is punished. Thinking outside the box is considered wrong even if the child gets the desired results in a class. In essence everything that makes a leader is quelled early on in school.

So the first thing we need to do is to have a rallying call to all the men and boys who have been pushed down, muzzled, essentially castrated emotionally to stand up and be counted. NO MORE! We need leaders, and if I just hit a nerve with anyone who reads this. Good! Now man up and be a leader! Don't be like the guys who talk a good talk but when it comes time to walk the walk they make excuses like, "I'm more effective as a radio/television host." or "I don't want the pay cut." Rush, Glenn, Sean, Bill. You know who you are. MAN UP!

I would join the Republican Party if the men and women in it or who are joining decided to be leaders. I want to see statesmen/stateswomen at the helm of a party before I ever join it. I want to see folks willing to take a stand. Yes I want to see people admit when they are wrong as well, and not see it as a weakness to admit a mistake. A real leader learns from mistakes and is wizened by them.

So here is the thing. Fix the Republican Party, and I'll join. At least the GOP has a foot in the door even if the other foot is in the grave, but it is a start.

I have a suggestion for people like Steele and others who lead the GOP. Stop playing the game. Be real. Remember the passion that got you where you are? Where is it now?